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Raja Ampat Fragments of lost Heaven
SENJAMERAH.COM, Raja Ampat Islands is tourist destinations located in the territory of Papua. This tour is already known by the rest of the world due to its natural beauty is a very enchanting. One form of the popularity of the Raja Ampat area attractions is by having a documentary made by Avant Premiere entitled "Edis Paradise 3", where in the film recounts the underwater natural beauty located in the Raja Ampat area of Papua, which is also known as the tourist region of the Amazon Ocean world. The nickname is given because of the layout of these tourist attractions that are located at the world's coral triangle. Raja Ampat Islands tour was come within the territory of West Papua, which is a cluster of islands that spread with the amount ranging from 610 Islands, but there are only 35 of the island inhabited by the population.

Tourism object Papua this many offers the charm of biodiversity, which is arguably quite abundant. Here you can find around 540 species of coral and fish species 1,511. 75% of the coral species found all over the world are here, of which there are about 10 times the number of species of coral that was once found throughout the Caribbean. You will also find the 27 species of fish which measures only exist here. In addition, there is here also 5 species of sea turtle step, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp. So imagine the uniqueness that is owned by this tourist destination.

The charm of an elegant sea view, which can be seen either from the bottom and over the sea will hypnotize you. For that you should not miss a precious moment in time for a visit there. This condition is supported by the structure of the soil that is endemic, the wealth of marine life as well as culture and wisdom of a local resident. as for activities you can do here is as follows:
  1. Explore the Raja Ampat island by boat.
  2. Do games kayak.
  3. Diving to witness the remains of the ship ruins beneath the sea.
  4. Enjoy beautiful coral islands (karst) around the island Wayag.
  5. Visit the cenderawasih red typical of West Papua.
  6. Fishing traditionally Papua.
  7. Feed the cuscus.
  8. Explore the cave of bats (BAT varieties instead of the Dark Knight).
  9. Make the wooden statue of himself which are guided by the craftsmen of Asmat.
  10. Snorkeling.
  11. Trekking to find waterfalls.
In addition you can also witness the "Sea Ghosts", which is a natural phenomenon that is unique and interesting, is located in the eastern part of Waigeo, this phenomenon is formed by a beam that comes from sea water or sunset views of the phenomenon, which can be seen above the boat and skirted the surface with 10-20 minutes. This phenomenon can only be seen every end of the year only.

Not only is it the area west and North of Waigeo, there's a show game traditional bamboo flute by surrounding communities called distilled Trommel. Usually the traditional performances held when there is a religious festival or at the time of the Republic of Indonesia independence day commemorative (17 August) as well as in a ceremony welcoming the visit of the officials (the leader) is important.

The Charm Of The Tomolol Cave. come within this you will be awed by the scenery in a cave painting, Palm Tomolo humans as well as animals that have very large size imaged on the walls of caves. It is said that the painting was made in prehistoric times.

Not only is it just north of Waigeo, you can also enjoy a tour of history also shaped cave which is the legacy of World War II. This supposedly is where Goa forces Netherlands and Japan build a bunker. In addition, you can also enjoy the uniqueness of the culture of the local community who served in a war dance. Here there is also a waterfall tourist destinations, and certainly when You get there is not to be missed.

The next destination is the island of Ayau, Ayau Island is a group of small islands located on the Coral Islands, with a very large size and the basis for its white sandy beaches, the island of Ayau can connect one island with the other islands. Not only that, not far from this spot you can also enjoy the island with a unique sand called "Zandplaat". This place is a unique habitat of local vegetation that exist in Raja Ampat. You can also watch the local community solution specifically conceived mothers and children caught a sea worm or insonem.

In addition, you can also visit the Waigeo South, which is a favorite destination for fans of diving. Not far from the South Waigo you can also find coral island tourist destinations Kabui Bay, Cave skulls and historic tourist destinations also Raja Ampat in time King.

You can enjoy culinary around attractions in Papua this is seafood or seafood. Organizers usually diving has been prepared. Menu cuisine also varies-ranging from traditional and international menus, which certainly made directly by the local community. One example of the typical food of the Raja Ampat is yellow fish soup. Raja Ampat specialties usually many are provided at many restaurants located in the city of Indonesia Waisai.

Gift shop best of Raja Ampat are many expressed plenty of tourists who visit here is, an experience when you visit the Raja Ampat. Of course with the mendokumentasikanya through the catch photos and and a good video. But if You want to give a gift to his family home in the form of objects. You can buy some typical Raja Ampat, among others:
  1. Traditional cloth
  2. Woven crafts
  3. The statue of Asmat tribe
  4. Traditional musical instruments
  5. Trommel (traditional drum)
  6. Distilled
Above you can get souvenirs in the shops for souvenirs in the city Waisai and also cities in Papua. When You buy souvenirs in the city of Papua, it will lighten your load to carry Your luggage from Raja Ampat. (die/twisata)


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